SSIIM Unesco Chair focus groups with cultural-linguistic mediators of the N.A.Ve Antitrafficking Network in Venice
On September 7th and 8th the SSIIM Unesco Chair organised a two-days focus group with the cultural-linguistic mediators of the N.A.Ve Antitrafficking Network in Venice. The focus is the result of the Research Team activities and the training organised by Equality ATI: Throughout both activities the need emerged for further reflection on the crucial role of the cultural-linguistic mediators within the N.A.Ve Antitrafficking Network and the experience the mediators have matured over time.
The focus group was aimed to explore the functions and roles of mediators and their evolution over the last decade and to feed a debate that has been going on since the late ’90, although more timidly in the last few years. Cultural-linguistic mediators have been operating throughout Italy and in a few other European countries, suc as France, but their profession is still absent in many countries and the its value added scarcely understood.