Workshop “The institutional and biographical times of the people victims of trafficking during the covid-19 lockdown and beyond”

The Research Team of the INSigHT Project of the Unesco SSIIM Chair of Venice organized the following Workshop (online) as part of the Annual Conference of SIAA (Italian Society for Applied Anthropology) 2020 “FARE (IN) TEMPO: The institutional and biographical times of the people victims of trafficking during the covid-19 lockdown and beyond“.

The WP will be held on Saturday 5 December from 9 to 13 and it will be in Italian.

It will be an occasion to share the experience matured throughout the research project carried out by the INSigHT Team with colleagues of other universities and anti-trafficking projects, particularly in view of the challenging times of the on-going pandemic.

Registration for the conference closes on November 15 can be done on the Eventbrite platform

Info on the WP:

Info on the full Conference Program: