Save the dates! Online Final Conference of the INSigHT Action

Transnational approaches to fight human trafficking: research, practices, policies.

Online Final Conference of the INSigHT Action

10 – 11 – 16 March 2021

Day1: 10th March 2021 (3:00 – 5:30 pm Italian time)

Focus on Research

The first day will be devoted to presenting the research work carried out by the INSigHT Research Team, with reference to the following themes: protection programs for people victims of trafficking and severe exploitation in the Veneto Region, the evolving phenomenon of begging, secondary movements in Italy (Brenner border) and Sweden and returns/rehabilitation and integration programs in Nigeria. The main aim will be to share the main findings and suggest recommendations for the way forward.

Day 2: 11th March 2021 (3:00 – 5:30 pm Italian time)

Focus on Practices

In the second session, partners of the INSigHT Action will share their experiences of capacity building activities carried out in the framework of the project, by pointing out outcomes, lessons learnt, suggestions for further improvement. Equality ATI will present the workshop organised with antitrafficking stakeholders in the Veneto Region to promote an integrated approach to trafficking and the training for cultural-linguistic mediators. Nigerian Women Association will present the awareness raising activities carried out in Lagos. Pathfinders Justice Initiative will present the workshops organised for rehabilitation officers in Nigeria and discuss the experience of the law enforcement workshop, in Nigeria, with Equality ATI which also organised a workshop with law enforcement, in Italy.

Day 3: 16th March 2021 (3:00 – 5:30 pm Italian time)

Policy towards improved transnational cooperation

The third and final day will open with the recommendations of the INSigHT Action and call upon antitrafficking experts and policymakers in Italy, Nigeria and Sweden to discuss about the challenges that lie ahead, with specific attention on the challenges for transnational cooperation. A short overview will be given of antitrafficking in Italy, Nigeria and Sweden to then open up the debate with invited discussants. Policymakers and antitrafficking stakeholders are warmly invited to join the discussion too.

The conference will be held in English and simultaneous interpretation in Italian will be made available.