Exchange of experiences between law enforcement officers and anti-trafficking operators in the Veneto Region
Equality ATI organised webinar aimed to promote and facilitate the exchange of experiences between law enforcement officers and the N.A.Ve anti-trafficking operators of the Veneto Region on January 27th from 2 to 5 pm.
The aim of the meeting was to improve knowledge of the reciprocal “technical languages” and functions, in order to strenghten multi-agency cooperation.
46 participants actively participated to the event (participants of Questure, Carabinieri Corp, Public Prosecutors Offices of the Veneto Region and other Italian regions too), including four keynote speakers, Dott. Bartolotta, Vice-questore of the Italian Ministry of Interior, currently working at the Italian Embassy in Abujia, Dott. Ortensi, Head of the Squadra Mobile (Questura) of Vicenza, Dott.ssa Trovato, Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor Office of Catania and Dott.ssa D’Alessandro, Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor Office of Venice.
The crucial role of multi-agency work in the fights against human trafficking in all its multiple facets emerged clearly and confirmed the importance of the on-going collaborations that yet require further consolidation.
Discussions also focused on the constant rapid evolution of the phenomenon and the challenges to address it, including first and foremost the priority that should be given to protecting people victims of trafficking, even more when they choose to collaborate in investigations aimed to prosecute traffickers, considering the risks or re-victimisation and the risks to which they are exposed.
Participants agreed on the need to organise regular meetings to continue strenghtening multi-agency work, both within the region and beyond its administrative borders.