
Human trafficking is a complex and transnational phenomenon that also occurs in the territory of the region Veneto, where there is an active service for victims of human trafficking: the project N.A.Ve. (Network Against human trafficking for Veneto). This project is one of the twenty-one Italian projects promoted by the Departments for Equal Opportunities. This project is in collaborating with the project INSigGHT, with which it has organized two actions. Firstly, three participative workshops for the operators of the project have been organized at the structure of “Discepole del Vangelo” in Castelfranco Veneto (TV) on October 4th 2019 and at “Banca Etica” in Padova on December 3rd 2019. The first two workshops have been conducted by Doctor Ennio Ripamonti, psychologist and trainer at the University of Milan Bicocca and at the Cattolica University of Milano. The third workshop was held by Professor Natale Losi, director of the Ethno-Systemic-Narrative School of Rome. During the workshop the technique of the case-study was used, which allowed the operators to discuss through life-stories from people. These workshops have contributed to create intense workdays where professionals were challenged and have gotten the chance to reflect on their work and their choices.

Equality ATI has also organized, in collaboration with the project N.A.Ve., a training course for cultural and linguistic mediators. Fourteen mediators have taken part in the training course, which has lasted 6 day. The themes discussed in the course have been focused around the project N.A.Ve. and human trafficking and employment. The participants’ various backgrounds enriched their exchanges of ideas and opinions. The program was articulated in a rich offer and open to all the stakeholders in the project. The training course has been followed by thirty to fifty mediators each day. The traineeship of the cultural and linguistic mediators with the operators of the project N.A.Ve. should have started in February 2020 but it has been paused because of the sanitary emergency caused by the pandemic.