Awareness raising in schools – Lagos
Thanks to previous events (see ‘News’ related to the event organized by NWAV in Lagos on July, 30) and local media coverage of the HD activities, NWAV Help Desk is consolidating its visibility and actions in Lagos.
Recently, the NWAV Help Desk Officers have been invited by Prof. Yemi Akinkuotu to promote raising awareness on human rights and child protection at the LASU (Lagos State University) Staff School, a nursery/primary school attended by nearly 400 pupils.
Awareness raising in the schools, is among the crucial activities NWA will carry-out during the next months within INSigHT Action, starting with a teacher training in November that will be followed by sensibilization events in selected schools in Lagos.
Since the gap analysis recently conducted by INSigHT on awareness raising in Nigeria, showed that sensibilization of youngest girls and boys is extremely needed, the opportunity of visiting this school – even if before the teacher training – was very relevant and unmissable.
Hence, on 11 October 2019 – International Day of the Girl Child – NWA Help Desk Officers Officers presented to an audience of nearly 50 pupils and their teachers of the LASU – Staff school a series of information related to the prevention of child abuse. Flyers of the HD have been delivered to pupils (inviting them to deliver it to their parents) and School Staff.