INSigHT: the European Week against trafficking in human beings
In October 2019 the SSIIM Unesco Chair of the University IUAV of Venice – in collaboration with Equality ATI and the NA.Ve Project – organized the awareness raising workshop “Vulnerability and resilience of Nigerian women trapped in trafficking circuits: between demands for safety and fight against criminality”, including it in the program of the European week against trafficking in human beings.
More than 80 stakeholders participated to the event, representing a wide range of Civil Society Organizations operating in the Veneto Region and beyond, as well as social workers from the municipalities target of the action (Venice in Particular) and some academic researchers interested on the issue.
The seminar was an important opportunity for the exchange of practices and experiences among researchers, law enforcement officers, lawyers, magistrates, street level officers and social assistants working within the anti-trafficking system in the Veneto Region.
Minutes of the speeches are available in English on the resources section of INSigHT website, while a selection of longer abstracts in Italian can be downloaded here.
Given the success of the initiative, it has been decided to schedule the INSigHT final conference to be held in Italy (the other one will take place in Nigeria), during the next European week against trafficking in human beings, in October 2020.